Package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass

Internal classes related to Groovy's metaclass implementation.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ClosureMetaClass A meta class for closures generated by the Groovy compiler.
ClosureMetaMethod A MetaMethod that accepts a closure in the constructor which is invoked when the MetaMethod is called.
ClosureStaticMetaMethod This class represents a MetaMethod that is a closure that pretends to be a static method.
ConcurrentReaderHashMap A hash table that supports mostly-concurrent reading, but exclusive writing.
ConcurrentReaderHashMap.BarrierLock A Serializable class for barrier lock
ConcurrentReaderHashMap.Entry ConcurrentReaderHashMap collision list entry.
DefaultMetaClassInfo WARNING: This class is for internal use only!
MetaClassRegistryImpl A registry of MetaClass instances which caches introspection & reflection information and allows methods to be dynamically added to existing classes at runtime
MethodHelper Some reflection helper methods
MixinInstanceMetaMethod MetaMethod for mixed in classes
MixinInstanceMetaProperty MetaProperty for mixed in classes
NewInstanceMetaMethod A MetaMethod implementation where the underlying method is really a static helper method on some class but it appears to be an instance method on a class.
NewMetaMethod Base class for NewInstanceMetaMethod and NewStaticMetaMethod
NewStaticMetaMethod A MetaMethod implementation where the underlying method is really a static helper method on some class.
ReflectorLoader Reflector creation helper.
TemporaryMethodKey A temporary implementation of MethodKey used to perform a fast lookup for a method using a set of arguments to a method
ThreadManagedMetaBeanProperty This MetaBeanProperty will create a pseudo property whose value is bound to an object using weak references.
TransformMetaMethod A MetaMethod implementation useful for implementing coercion based invocations

Exception Summary
MethodSelectionException This exception is thrown if the runtime is unable to select a method.
MissingMethodExecutionFailed A stack less exception used to indicate, that the execution of a missingMethod method failed with a MissingMethodException.

Package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass Description

Internal classes related to Groovy's metaclass implementation.