Class GroovySocketServer

  extended by groovy.ui.GroovySocketServer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GroovySocketServer
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Runnable

Simple server that executes supplied script against a socket.

Typically this is used from the groovy command line agent but it can be invoked programatically. To run this program from the command line please refer to the command line documentation at Groovy CLI.

Here is an example of how to use this class to open a listening socket on the server, listen for incoming data, and then echo the data back to the client in reverse order:

 new GroovySocketServer(
         new GroovyShell(),      // evaluator
         false,                  // is not a file
         "println line.reverse()",         // script to evaluate
         true,                   // return result to client
         1960)                   //port
There are several variables in the script binding:

Constructor Summary
GroovySocketServer(GroovyShell groovy, boolean isScriptFile, java.lang.String scriptFilenameOrText, boolean autoOutput, int port)
          This creates and starts the socket server on a new Thread.
Method Summary
 void run()
          Runs this server.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GroovySocketServer(GroovyShell groovy,
                          boolean isScriptFile,
                          java.lang.String scriptFilenameOrText,
                          boolean autoOutput,
                          int port)
This creates and starts the socket server on a new Thread. There is no need to call run or spawn a new thread yourself.

groovy - The GroovyShell object that evaluates the incoming text. If you need additional classes in the classloader then configure that through this object.
isScriptFile - Whether the incoming socket data String will be a script or a file path.
scriptFilenameOrText - This will be a groovy script or a file location depending on the argument isScriptFile.
autoOutput - whether output should be automatically echoed back to the client
port - the port to listen on
Method Detail


public void run()
Runs this server. There is typically no need to call this method, as the object's constructor creates a new thread and runs this object automatically.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable